
Youth Sunday

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Join us for a special Pentecost Sunday where our youth share their talents with us through music, worship and the word. We will also recognize our 2024 graduates. You are […]

Graduation Celebration

PUMC Fellowship Hall 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, United States

Personally congratulate our graduates during the cupcake reception in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the 11am service.

T-Wrecks Smash Rooms

Let's go out with a bang! Youth Group will end the school year and let off some exam stress by going to T-Wrecks Smash Rooms! Registration is required. Please contact […]

VBS Workshop

PUMC Fellowship Hall 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, United States

All hands on deck as we turn Philadelphia into an underwater adventure for over 125 children! All abilities welcome! Contact with questions.

Mission Wednesday

Youth will be creating worship bags for our shut-ins

Mission Wednesday

Youth will be preparing freezer meals for Defend the Fatherless.

Mission Wednesday

Youth will be creating crafts and putting together items for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.