Corinthians 12: 4-7 “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone is the same God at work.”
God has given all of us gifts to use in combination with our interests and abilities to serve one another. He has equipped each of us to His service and God desires to accomplish more through us than we may see possible. We believe that serving in love is essential to creating disciples of Jesus Christ as Jesus himself became a servant to us. At Philadelphia UMC, we have many different opportunities to serve and we are here to help you find those areas in which God is calling you to be his hands and feet on earth.
Service Groups, Events & Missions
Our United Methodist Men (UMM) and United Women in Faith (UWF) engage in service projects throughout the year. Projects vary from yard and house projects for our members who find themselves unable to take care of things for temporarily to collections of food and essentials for local families. The Philly Youth Group (PYG) involves youth in projects such as Adopt a Stream and creating Easter Baskets for shut-ins.
The Missions Team works with many groups in our area to provide our congregation, regardless of age or ability, the chance to serve in our community throughout the year. Some projects are very hands-on like Habitat for Humanity where we help build houses and others require donations of goods such as the Angel Tree at Christmas.
Whatever gift or passion God has given you, we would like to help you use it to serve in love those beyond our doors.