Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.
Philadelphia United Methodist Church is a congregation with deep spiritual roots. We have been worshiping in, and serving Fort Mill since 1832, and incorporated on January 1, 1992. Though the community is ever-changing, and the space in which we worship and work has evolved, our commitment to “radiate and share the Light and Love of Jesus Christ” has remained the same. We live our lives together as an expression of the peace and love of Jesus Christ, and we always welcome anyone and everyone to join us in our faith journey.
Our Mission

“Worship the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2).
We currently offer two stylistically different worship services every Sunday morning at 9:00am and 11:00am for the people of God to gather to proclaim the revelation of God in Jesus Christ and be shaped and formed as Disciples. To to embrace and enjoy the different styles of music, art, and learning experiences and reach a variety of people through the same message of God’s word, the 9:00am leans towards more contemporary musical selections where the 11:00am service is more traditional in music and structure.
“Grow in grace and knowledge” 2 Peter 3:18
We provide opportunities for spiritual growth that will help develop mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Our Discipleship Ministries include opportunities for individual growth, and both small and large group spiritual formation studies for children, youth, and adults. These ministries encompass the total person: body, mind, and spirit. Through our Sunday School classes for all ages, we offer opportunities for connection, care and spiritual growth. Through our LifeGroups and other discipleship opportunities including Women’s Circles, Men’s Group, Youth Group and Senior Friends, all ages can connect with others based on interests, life stage, or geography. Each of these ministries exists to help people grow in their Christian faith so that they may more fully live the abundant life found in Christ.
“Do justice: love kindness: walk humbly with God” Micah 6:8
As Christ’s disciples we are called to provide love and care to those in need, in sickness, and in sorrow. That is why we provide opportunities for individuals and groups to be actively engaged in works of justice, kindness and mercy as we seek to encourage gifted, committed, and enthusiastic disciples of Jesus Christ to develop a habit of serving with whatever gifts of time and talent they possess. Opportunities to serve are available within the church, in the Fort Mill area, and through our community partners and United Methodist worldwide connection. Each service opportunity also provides a way for us to give a visible witness to God’s mercy, justice, and love at work in the world.