Scuba VBS
Registration for Vacation Bible School is now open. Click on the link to participate or volunteer.
Registration for Vacation Bible School is now open. Click on the link to participate or volunteer.
Registration for Vacation Bible School is now open. Click on the link to participate or volunteer.
Join Pastor David in his office for coffee/tea the 4th Sunday of every month in the Pastor’s office. This is designed for our newer members to have a time of fellowship with each other and the Pastor, learn more about the church, small group opportunities, and ways to serve. Please email Pastor David at to let him know […]
All congregants are encouraged to attend our first Informational Meeting. We will provide information on the process itself, why we are going through the process and the process timeline.
Join us for the first Listening Session of the Discernment Process. This is a time for every voice in the church to be heard and a chance for us to listen to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. After a brief presentation, members will be allowed to speak from their heart. Speaking time is […]
Join us for the second Listening Session of the Discernment Process. This is a time for every voice in the church to be heard and a chance for us to listen to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. After a brief presentation, members will be allowed to speak from their heart. Speaking time is […]
Join us as we seek God’s will through His Holy scripture, prayer, meditation, and guidance from the Holy Spirit.
Move-Up Sunday is Sunday, August 4th. We will honor our Third Graders with new Bibles and then bless the backpacks during Wee Worship at both the 9am and 11am services. Afterwards, all children are invited to Kids’ Church for a Bible reading activity. If your child will be a third grader this year and would […]
Join us for the third and final Listening Session of the Discernment Process. This is a time for every voice in the church to be heard and a opportunity for us to listen to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. After a brief presentation, members will be allowed to speak from their heart. Speaking […]
Join us as we seek God’s will through His Holy scripture, prayer, meditation, and guidance from the Holy Spirit.