Service Times: Sundays 9:00am & 11:00am ⁞ Sunday School: 10:00am

Prince Caspian Study by C.S. Lewis

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

A new six-week Bible study series for kids based on the book by C.S. Lewis. Learn the Christian truths about reading your Bible, defending your Faith, having joy, and following Jesus. Books, craft, activities, and fun all provided. Contact to participate.

Easter Game Day

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Palm Sunday Service

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with a celebration music and waving of palms. John 12: 12-13 “The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna!’’‘Blessed is he who comes in […]

Baby Bottle “Change” Collection

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Our Lenten "Baby Bottle Campaign" is ending! Thank you for supporting Palmetto Women's Center mission to promote life by offering gospel-centered care and counseling, excellence in medical services, and focused education and resources. Please return baby bottles to the Narthex on Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday or Sunday April the 7th. Last minute contributions will be […]

Palm Sunday Service

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with a celebration music and waving of palms. John 12: 12-13 “The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna!’’‘Blessed is he who comes in […]

Last Supper Re-Enactment

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Experience the last supper of Jesus through the ‘Living Last Supper’ and communion. Based on the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, PUMC actors will help us to imagine Jesus’ last night with his disciples in the Upper Room. We will then share the bread and the cup in remembrance of that night. Additional Holy Week […]

Good Friday Service

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

On this day of mourning, we reflect on the Crucifixion of Jesus through a Tenebrae Service. Scriptures are read and darkness will gradually increase. Worshipers leave in silence to ponder the impact of Christ’s death and await the celebration of the coming Resurrection. Additional Holy Week Services:

Sunrise Service

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Sunrise service begins at the three crosses in our cemetery. We’ll transition to the cross at the front of the church inviting all who pass to be moved by the Holy Spirit. Breakfast will be provided after Service. Additional Holy Week Services:

Easter Celebration

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Celebration Services with special music and guest musicians! We invite you to bring live flowers to decorate our living cross as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Additional Holy Week Services: