Service Times: Sundays 9:00am & 11:00am ⁞ Sunday School: 10:00am

Ladies Bible Study

PUMC Disciples Classroom 1691 Hwy 160 West, Fort Mill, South Carolina

We examine various books throughout the year to help us grow in the word of God. Through fellowship and study, we seek to walk closer with God. Ladies of all ages are invited.

Church Council Meeting

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

The Church Council is the body entrusted by the Charge Conference to envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the missions and ministries of PUMC including programs of nurture, outreach, witness, and stewardship. Both chairs of PUMC committees and staff serve on Church Council. Meetings are open to anyone within the church. Our Mission: To make […]

Ladies Bible Study

PUMC Disciples Classroom 1691 Hwy 160 West, Fort Mill, South Carolina

We examine various books throughout the year to help us grow in the word of God. Through fellowship and study, we seek to walk closer with God. Ladies of all ages are invited.

Friends In Christ

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Highway 160 West, Fort Mill, South Carolina, United States

Friends In Christ (FIC) is a women's circle within the United Methodist Women. Circles are smaller groups that allow women to meet on a regular basis to learn about their faith, share life’s joys and sorrows and commit to service projects. Most ladies are empty nesters. FIC prides itself on sending cards and keeping up […]