
Ruth Adkins Circle

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Ruth Adkins Circle (RAC) is a women's circle within the United Methodist Women. Circles are smaller groups that allow women to meet on a regular basis to learn about their faith, share life’s joys and sorrows and commit to service projects. RAC women work both inside and outside the home and most have children still […]

Men’s Fellowship Dinner

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a meal together. Meet other men of the church and learn about our upcoming Retreat at Asbury Hills (September 9-11th).

Ladies Bible Study

PUMC Disciples Classroom 1691 Hwy 160 West, Fort Mill, South Carolina

We examine various books throughout the year to help us grow in the word of God. Through fellowship and study, we seek to walk closer with God. Ladies of all ages are invited.

Single Ladies’ Lunch Bunch

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Meet at Salmeri’s Italian Kitchen, 526-104 Mercantile Place (across from Captain Steve’s). If you are a single lady and would like to gather with friends for fellowship and good food, please join us. Contact Donna Schaefer at if you have any questions.