Service Times: Sundays 9:00am & 11:00am ⁞ Sunday School: 10:00am

First Faith for Kids

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

The Children’s and Family Ministries of PUMC will host a First Faith for Kids class. After a pizza and salad lunch, we will learn about basic spiritual disciplines (e.g., prayer, Bible study, worship) that every young believer should know.

Serve @ Bethel Men’s Night Shelter

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Volunteers needed to donate, prepare and serve dinner. In addition, personal items are needed for the men at the shelter. Please visit the Coffee Connec- tions Room to sign up and get the list of items needed by the shelter. Contact Eugenia Taylor to serve: .

Senior Friends – Talent Show

Sing, Dance, Play a musical instrument, Tell a story, etc. Whatever your talent, come share it with us. Covered Dish Meal to follow the show. Contact Caroline Helms at 239-565-0301 or to be put on the Talent Show Program Those 65+ years young are invited to come the 2nd Tuesday of the month for […]

Ruth Adkins Circle

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Ruth Adkins Circle (RAC) is a women's circle within the United Methodist Women. Circles are smaller groups that allow women to meet on a regular basis to learn about their faith, share life’s joys and sorrows and commit to service projects. RAC women work both inside and outside the home and most have children still […]

Friends In Christ

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Highway 160 West, Fort Mill, South Carolina, United States

Friends In Christ (FIC) is a women's circle within the United Methodist Women. Circles are smaller groups that allow women to meet on a regular basis to learn about their faith, share life’s joys and sorrows and commit to service projects. Most ladies are empty nesters. FIC prides itself on sending cards and keeping up […]

JR Jones Circle

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

JR Jones (JRJ) is a women's circle within the United Methodist Women. Circles are smaller groups meeting monthly that allow women to explore their faith, share life’s joys and sorrows and participate in service projects. JR Jones ladies are mostly mid-life with some working and some retired and mostly grown children. Drop in on any […]

Blood Drive

The Big Red Bus will be in our parking lot again! Help us reach our goal of giving life saving blood to 35 local people. Click on this link to make your appointment.  PUMC One Blood Donation Times  

Back to School Blessings

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

At both services, all students are invited to bring their backpacks as we ask for a special blessing for God's love and protection. 3rd grade students will be present Bibles. At 10am, students are invited to go to their current grade level Sunday school class.

PYG Reboot

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Middle and High School Youth will meet at the Church to have food, games, fellowship, and devotion from 5:30pm - 7:00pm. There will also be a short parent meeting at 6:45pm to talk, meet, and fill out release forms. 

Ruth Adkins Circle

Philadelphia United Methodist Church 1691 Hwy. 160 W, Fort Mill, SC, United States

Ladies are invited to join our circle at Kristen Miller's home. Our circle focuses on supporting one another and different service projects throughout the year including Operation Christmas Child in the fall. Please contact Cindi Cahaly,, if you would like to attend.