Service Times: Sundays 9:00am & 11:00am ⁞ Sunday School: 10:00am

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is the time in a youth’s life when they are CONFIRMED in their faith. It is when they stand in front of the church and declare that Jesus is the Lord of their lives. The process of getting to that point in their lives is a series of events and classes called “Confirmation.”

When Do I go Through Confirmation?

At Philadelphia United Methodist Church, it was decided that youth

who are in the 8th grade or older would be eligible to participate in the Confirmation process. This is because it is believed that his is the age when youth start to develop their own faith that is distinct from their parents, and it is a good fit with the maturity and stage that most youth find themselves in at that age. It is important to note that participating in Confirmation is 100% voluntary. If a young person chooses to not participate in the process, that is okay.

Why is Confirmation Important?

The purpose of Confirmation is to organize all the information you’ve been learning over the years and fill in a few blanks you may have.

  • Confirmation prepares you to make you own public profession of Christian Faith.
  • Confirmation helps Confirmands understand how they fit in the church and how they are part of the marvelous Body of Christ.
  • Confirmation explores God’s great love for the world- and for you- and seeks to explain it in a meaningful way.
  • Most importantly, Confirmation provides a fundamental understanding of Christian Faith so that we can attend Holy Communion and receive it’s full benefits (1 Corinthians 10-11).

Of course, Confirmation is about you becoming a member of the church, experiencing the joy of serving the Lord’s Church, and sharing in the responsibilities of making the church do what God would have it do.

The Confirmed members of the church who will serve as mentors and leaders through this process seek to provide you with a meaningful confirmation experience.

At your Confirmation, you become an on-going part of the Church which will confirm Christians until Jesus comes again.

If you are interested in being confirmed or in serving as a Confirmation mentor, please contact our director,