Service Times: Sundays 9:00am & 11:00am ⁞ Sunday School: 10:00am

Our nurture team exists to build up and support those within our congregation. Whether it is a home visitation or encouraging our members become more aware of their health, the team is constantly at bringing Christ’s love to others. If you feel called to participate in any of the ministries below or need to receive care from our Nurture Team, please contact Fran Ray: 


Teams, Ministries & Service Opportunities

Caregivers Support Group: We meet to give those who care for others a safe place to meet, listen and learn. We will help each other gain knowledge and insight on taking care of ourselves while taking care of our loved ones. Through sharing the stresses, challenges and rewards of being a caregiver, you will know you are not alone. 

Caring Cards:  Volunteers mail birthday, sympathy and cards of encouragement to persons in the church family. As each need becomes to known to us through Pastor Becky email communication is sent to caring cards volunteers asking that they extend support to those in need as they’re able. 

FAN- Faith, Activity, Nutrition: This group provides opportunity to grow your faith as you improve your health. To that end, we have offered a Tai Chi balance class, Prayer walk groups, a running group, and information on various health and wellness topics.  

Good Friends:  We are starting a new ministry called Good Friends.  The purpose of this new ministry is to shepherd, encourage and support new members as they search to become involved in the life of the church (mission projects, small group, and other areas of involvement). 

Hospital/Rehab Ministries: When members are temporarily displaced to a hospital or rehab facility, we visit them to help keep their spirits high, pray with them in their circumstances and see if they may need our support when they get home. 

Lay Eucharist Ministry (LEM):  Every month there are members of our faith community who are either dealing with illness, recovering from hospitalization, are home-bound, or are caring for home-bound members. Due to these circumstances, they are not able to worship with us on a regular basis and they are “unwillingly absent” on Communion Sundays. Through LEM, lay volunteers are commissioned by the Pastor and deliver the Sacrament of Holy Communion to these persons.    

Meal Care Ministry: This group prepares meals/snacks for people who have been in the hospital, have had a death in the family, or are going thru serious illness. At times, they also cook/bake things for the shut-ins. Everyone likes to know they are remembered.     

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need. If you have a loved one in need of comfort due to illness, loss or crisis, we would be glad to provide you with a shawl, a hand held wooden cross or prayer square to give to that person. We are always looking for those who would like to help make shawls.  

 Senior Friends:  Providing fellowship for those 60 and older, this group typically meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month either at the church or for a planned outing. We share meals together, listen to guest speakers, play games, go on adventures and enjoy each other’s company. 


Sunshine Ministry: We minster to our members who are in nursing homes, homebound, or otherwise unable to regularly attend church service. Each person has an assigned PUMC volunteer who calls and/or visits them, along with sending cards, bringing occasional treats and letting them know they are in our prayers.