Service Times: Sundays 9:00am & 11:00am ⁞ Sunday School: 10:00am

Director of Children & Family Ministries

Nic joined the Philadelphia United Methodist Church staff in 2017. He is from Shelby, NC and his wife, Lisa, is from Dayton, Ohio. They have a daughter named Dakota.

He enjoys reading, writing, running, music, theology, film, football, and great food. His passion for expanding the Kingdom of God through children and family ministries is deeply rooted in his strong belief in the gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Nic is a graduate of Appalachian State University and Southwestern Seminary, holding degrees in History, Education, and Theology.

He is a collector of classic books, music albums, great films, and recipes. His favorite bible verses are Matthew 22:37-39.

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